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Staten Island

Be a part of something big

Staten Island's explosive population growth significantly surpasses other New York City boroughs. Over the last two decades, the Island's population has increased by an astounding 24% - more than triple Manhattan's growth rate over the same time period.

Staten Island is the largest borough among New York City's five, covering 60.9 square miles, a mere five miles from Manhattan, and one half mile from Brooklyn. New Jersey is to the west, separated by the narrow Arthur Kill waterway. Four major bridges and the famous Staten Island Ferry connect Staten Island to its neighbors.

Population, size and accessibility are not all the area has to offer. Staten Island has the highest per capita personal income of New York City's outer boroughs, in addition to the city's lowest unemployment rate.

The location, population, and income benefits are even more attractive due to the fact that, like the other New York City outer boroughs, Staten Island's population is under-served by retailers. Residents are clammering for additional shopping and entertainment opportunities. Plans are underway for major improvements; including shopping and apartment complexes, hotels, parks, and other planned developments that are all part of Staten Island's current revitalization.


More than just a place to go - it's the place to be.

Strategically located in one of the main retail hubs of Staten Island, Hylan Plaza was already primed for success. With its unbeatable location along the heavily-trafficked major commercial corridor of Hylan Boulevard, the center is easily accessible from all parts of the Island.

But we're taking it to the next level. Hylan Plaza is undergoing a transformation - THE BOULEVARD will be a newly-constructed, multi-story lifestyle center providing a Main Street shopping experience. The seamlessly connected mix of fashion, necessities, restaurants, and entertainment is sure to draw a crowd. Lively sidewalk activity, outdoor dining, and window shopping will make THE BOULEVARD the premier downtown hub on Hylan Boulevard.

These retailers are taking advantage of Staten Island